Well, things are not entirely worked out with logistics with the ski area to hold events on open runs, so we're going to wing it here a little. The first race will be tomorrow night (wednesday the 22nd). The race will be held on closed runs in the Silver Fir area. This is extremely last minute, and very unorganized, but, I want to get something going before we lose momentum, interest, and time with snow to ski.
On to the logistics, the race will start at 7pm, get there a little early, we'll meet in the Silver Fir parking lot near the new building. We'll go over the course and make sure everyone is on the same page. The goal for race length will be about an hour and a half. The course will consist of two options depending on gear and fitness level, either two or four laps. The course will not be marked in any way so be sure to check out the course map below. Because the course is on closed runs in the dark, headlamps are mandatory, as well as helmets please. Please also be aware that conditions are thin, and hazards will not be marked as they are during open hours. We will also need to keep an eye out for groomers which could be operating anywhere in the area at any time. We do not want to interrupt their work so please move completely out of the way. At approximately 8:30, we'll all head over to the Timberwolf at Summit West for awards and libations!

The course will start at Silver Fir base, follow the lift line until the steep face, turn right and then left onto Hogwild, continue up to the top of the Quad lift, transition here. Then descend the Outback ski run to the base. Lap 2 will skin up under lift as first lap, but then instead of going up Hogwild, boot up the lift line on Silver Fir face run. Continue to top, then descend to base, for "race" category repeat both laps.