Thursday, January 23, 2014

Race #1 Report

Thanks everyone who came out last night for the first race of the season.  Despite the last minute notice, turnout was great, with 11 people showing up!  Also, a big thanks to the participants for being patient with the relocation of the race due to unforeseen circumstances.  Conditions were interesting to say the least, with lots of fog, and darkness, but the snow was surprisingly good.

With the last minute change in race location, the format also changed.  We decided upon a set course with everyone trying to complete as many laps as possible in 60 minutes.

Congrats to Lowell, who edged out Seth for the victory, with 2.5 laps for the both of them.  Lowell's sweet tooth was particularly appreciative of his brownie prize.  On the women's side Francine was the only participant taking the win and giving away her brownie prize to Sam who was the winner of the most off course award (sorry Sam!).

Stay tuned for more info on coming races as the details hopefully get ironed out soon with the ski area!
Pre race briefing (photo Jake/Shannon Douglas)
 Warming up
and they're off...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Brandon! Shannon will probably participate next time and expand the women's field.
